
Illustratie door Jurriaan Gorter, gepubliceerd onder een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 3.0 Nederland licentie

Critically and systematically examine the information you find. Assess not only the individual articles, books and websites you find, but also try to determine whether your search was effective.


Relevance is the degree to which the information can be used in your report.

  • Does the information answer (part of) your question?
  • Is this the best form of information to answer this question?
  • Does the information fit the target audience?


The extent to which you can be sure that the information is correct.
If the information is confirmed by several sources, it is a sign that the information is probably correct. If a source does not look reliable, there are two options:

  • Consider not using this source.
  • Provide a critical note.


A current book or article need not necessarily be recent. Key publications may retain their value over the years.